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Методика расчёта параметров основных элементов конструкции токоограничивающего реактора с подмагничиванием

Андрей Станиславович Брилинский, Георгий Анатольевич Евдокунин, Сергей Владимирович Смоловик, Юлия Игоревна Шепель


The effective application of the saturated core FCL which limits fault current when a fault occurs in a power transmission network is dependent on its design, which determines the basic parameters of the device - inductance value during steady-state (un-faulted) conditions and a fault as well as active power losses in the AC and DC coils. The developed method of calculating the saturated core FCL allows to produce an approximate design of the FCL using a given value of inductance and active power losses in the device during steady-state conditions.

Ключевые слова

токоограничивающее устройство; магнитопровод; магнитный поток; магнитное насыщение; конструкция; fault current limiters (FCL); magnetic cores; magnetic flux; saturation magnetization; design

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