Моделирование и имитация налипания частиц золы
Модель налипания частиц золы относится к ключевым при анализе шлакования. Приведена сводка условий закрепления частиц в отложениях, принимаемых в моделях налипания. Для совершенствования моделей целесообразно использовать исследования с имитацией шлакования синтетическими смесями. Приведены примеры реализации таких исследований.
Ключевые слова
Вдовенко, М.И. Минеральная часть энергетических углей [Текст] / М.И. Вдовенко. -- Алма-Ата: Наука, 1973. -- 256 с.
Barta, L.E. Coal Fouling Tendency Model [Text]: Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference (Solihull, England) “The impact of ash deposition on coal fired plants” / L.E. Barta, J.M. Beer, A.F. Sarofim, J.D. Teare, M.A. Toqan. -- Washington: Taylor & Francis, 1993. -- P. 177 -- 188.
Blanchard, R. Measurement and Modeling of Coal Ash Deposition in an Entrained-Flow Reactor [Text]: A thesis submitted to the faculty of in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Brigham Young University of Master of Science / R. Blanchard. -- USA, Brigham Young University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2008. – August.
Helble, J.J. A fundamentally based model of slag formation in utility boilers [Text]: Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Workshop in Ash Deposition / J.J. Helble, S. Srinivasacher, C.L. Senior, G. Wilemski, J.E. Baker, G.A. Simons, S.A. Johnson. -- Brisbane, Australia, 1992. -- July 13 -- 14.
Алехнович, А.Н. Уточнение расчётной схемы закрепления частиц и роста шлаковых отложений [Текст] / А.Н. Алехнович // Теплоэнергетика. -- 2008. -- № 9. -- С. 24 -- 28.
Modliński, N.J. Computational modeling of a tangentially fired boiler with deposit formation phenomena [Text] / N.J. Modliński // Chemical and Process Engineering. -- 2014. -- V. 35 (3). -- P. 361 -- 368.
Алехнович, А.Н. Проблемы и первоочередные задачи математического моделирования шлакования топки [Текст] / А.Н. Алехнович // Электрические станции. -- 2013. -- № 7. -- С. 20 -- 25.
Beckmann, A.M. Towards understanding of deposit build-up mechanisms in our experimental facility: Experiments and CFD modeling of 15kW coal flames [Text]: The 26th International Conference “Impacts of fuel quality on Power production” / A.M. Beckmann, M. Mancini, R. Weber. -- Prague, Czech Republic, 2016. -- September 19 -- 23.
Walsh, P.M. Deposition of bituminous coal ash on an isolated heat exchanger tube: effects of coal properties on deposit growth [Text] / P.M. Walsh, A.N. Sayre, D.O. Loehden, L.S. Monroe, J.M. Beér, A.F. Sarofim // Prog. Energy Combust. -- 1990. -- № 16. -- P. 327 -- 345.
Алехнович, А.Н. Вероятностная модель образования шлаковых отложений [Текст] / А.Н. Алехнович // Электрические станции. -- 1995. -- № 2. -- C. 16 -- 20.
Alekhnovich, A.N. Slagging prediction when using the chemical composition of fly ash individual particles and the slagging probability model [Text] / A.N. Alekhnovich, V.E. Gladkov, V.V. Bogomolov // Applications of advanced technology to ash-related problems in boilers. -- New York: Plenum Press, 1996. -- P. 557 -- 566.
Yong, Sze Zheng. Modeling the slag layer in solid fuel gasification and combustion [Text] / Zheng Sze Yong, Ahmed Ghoniem // Fuel Processing Technology. -- 2012. – V. 97. -- P. 457 -- 466.
Chen, Lei. Modeling the slag behavior in three dimensional CFD simulation of a vertically-oriented oxy-coal combustor [Text] / Lei Chen, Sze Zheng Yong, Ahmed F. Ghoniem // Fuel Processing Technology. -- 2013. -- № 112. -- P. 106 -- 117.
Алехнович, А.Н. Применение смесей углей на ТЭС [Текст] / А.Н. Алехнович, В.В. Богомолов // Электрические станции. -- 2010. -- № 4. -- C. 2 -- 8.
Алехнович, А.Н. Зола и шлакование в пылеугольных котлах [Текст] / А.Н. Алехнович. – Челябинск: Изд-во «Абрис Принт», 2016. -- 798 с.
Alekhnovich, A.N. Investigation of Some Slagging Problems at the Rigs [Text] / A.N. Alekhnovich, V.V. Bogomolov, N.A. Artemjeva // Applications of advanced technology to ash-related problems in boilers. -- New York: Plenum Press, 1996. -- P. 529 -- 540.
Tomeczek, J. Modelling of deposits formation on heating tubes in pulverized coal boilers [Text] /J. Tomeczek, H. Palugniok, J. Ochman // Fuel Processing Technology. -- 2004. -- V. 83. -- P 213 – 221.
Kalmanovitch, D.P. Ash Deposition: A Systems Approach [Text]: proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference held at Solihull / D.P. Kalmanovitch. -- England, June 20 – 25. 1993. -- P. 679 -- 692.
Чернецкий, М.Ю. Математическая модель шлакования топки пылеугольного котла [Текст] / М.Ю. Чернецкий, А.Н. Алехнович, А.А. Дектерев // Теплоэнергетика. -- 2012. -- № 8. -- С. 39 -- 47.
Bingzhi, Li. Modeling of Fireside Deposit Formation in Two Industrial Furnaces [Text]: doctoral Thesis, Turku/Abo Akademi, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry / Bingzhi Li. – Finland, 2013.
Backman, R. Predicting Superheater Deposit Formation in Boilers Burning Biomasses [Text] / Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars // Impact of mineral impurities in solid fuel combustion. -- New York: Kluwer academic / Plenum Publishers, 1999. -- P. 405 – 416.
Leithner, R. CDF studies for boilers [Text]: Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics / R. Leithner, H. Muller. – Cambridge, 2003.
Beckmann, A.M. Towards understanding of deposit build-up mechanisms in our experimental facility: Experiments and CFD modeling of 15kW coal flames [Text]: The 26th international conference “Impacts of fuel quality on Power production” (September 19 -- 23 2016) / A.M. Beckmann, M. Mancini, R. Weber. -- Czech Republic, Prague.
Kær, S.K. Numerical investigation of ash deposition in straw-fired boilers-Using CFD as the framework for slagging and fouling predictions [Text]: Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Energy Technology / S.K. Kær. – Denmark, -- 2001. –October.
Martens, S. Coupling of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Libraries with a Multidimensional CFD Solver -- Application and Potential [Text] / S. Martens, S. Kleditzsch, M. Braun // GTT-News. -- 2008. -- Issue 61, August 28.
Adams, B.R. Characterization of Oxy-combustion Impacts in Existing Coal-fired Boilers [Text]: Topical Report, No.: DE-NT0005288 / B.R. Adams, A.R. Fry, C.L. Senior, H. Sh. Shim, H. Wang, J. Wendt, Ch. Shaddix. -- USA, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 2009. – July.
Blanchard, R. Measurement and Modeling of Coal Ash Deposition in an Entrained-Flow Reactor [Text]: A thesis submitted to the faculty of in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Brigham Young University of Master of Science / R. Blanchard . -- USA, Brigham Young University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, -- 2008. -- August.
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